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Delights of the Dales


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Local Delivery

We currently deliver on a fortnightly basis around Chesterfield and our surrounding area.  The table below shows our delivery dates along with the dates by which we would need your order place to meet that delivery.  Daytime deliveries to businesses are on wednesdays and evening deliveries are on a Wednesday and Thursday, starting from 5.30pm. 
If you are interested in joining our regular delivery routes, please email us on and we can discuss the best delivery day for you.  We do also offer a few special 'home delivery only' items to our local customers so please contact us at any time if you are interested. 
Home delivery is free on all orders over £10 and you are free to order as regularly as you wish.  If your order is less than £10 we have to charge a small amount to cover our delivery costs.

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Wednesday Delivery Thursday Delivery Last Day for Orders
30th January 31st January Friday 25th January
13th February 14th February Friday 8th February
27th February 28th February Friday 22nd February
19th March 20th March Friday 14th March
2nd April 3rd April Friday 28th March
16th April 17th April Friday 11th April
30th April 1st May Friday 25th April
14th May 15th May Friday 9th May
4th June 5th June Friday 30th May
18th June 19th June Friday 13th June